Getting Started

Where do I Start?

God is already working on you if you’re reading this page! Figure out your ‘WHY’ for wanting to form and lead a CG group — it will serve as your motivation and guide you throughout the years. Then, look through all the resources here on the CG site and familiarize yourself with the resources, curriculum format, connection opportunities, etc. Grab a copy of the book Courageous: Being Daughters Rooted in Grace, and equip yourself. One step at a time, mama.



Figuring out a few details will help your group run smoothly & stay connected. Start by answering these questions:

  1. What day of the week and time works best for monthly meetings?

  2. Where will you most likely meet? A home? A public venue?

  3. What resources will families be able and willing to provide? What will you need to provide for the group?

  4. What will help your group feel welcomed, connected, safe and supported?

  5. List any expectations you have.

Go in Twos

Jesus strategically sent out disciples two-by-two in the early days of the church. There is Biblical wisdom and courage in partnering with another mom to co-lead. Not only can you share the initial responsibilities as the group forms and develops, but you’ll model community from the start. Ephesians 4:9-12 says, “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other one up.” Stop and pray – who comes to mind?



The CG Curriculum is organized over 8+ years; each year divided into 8 monthly lessons. Most lessons include 4 components:

  1. ‘Email Overview’ of the upcoming lesson with prompts and questions to get everyone thinking before the meeting

  2. ‘Lesson Outline’ for that month’s discussion leader

  3. ‘Lesson Printables’ with files that will help you execute the lesson

  4. ‘Prayer for Moms’ that spiritually supports moms through each month’s topic

To access the free CG Curriculum you will need to register and then visit our CG Curriculum page. You will then be able to download each lesson as needed.

A CG Curriculum Overview can be found here.


Journals are highly encouraged tools. The practice of journaling heals the brain, creating clarity in thought and mind. It can be a powerful way to pray and connect with God, as well as one another. Other benefits include raising emotional intelligence (EQ), boosting immune systems, lowering stress/anxiety, improving creativity, communication skills, and even self-discipline. Foremost, journals help moms and daughters write words that can be hard to say out loud as trust and safety develop.

Memory Verses

Memory verses guide each lesson and help us develop Biblical confidence. The easiest way to keep track of verses is to keep a stack of notecards attached with a silver metal ring. At each monthly gathering, have girls add new verses to the stack so that they can reference them throughout the month. Lesson Outlines encourage review of previous verses as well. We strongly believe that repetition=retention, and we hope these truths settle deep into the hearts of girls & mamas, alike.



Retreats are fun but also important opportunities for groups to build trust & intimacy, and to go deeper into the content of that year’s primary focus. ‘Yearly Curriculum Overview’ pages have links to the ‘Annual Retreat’ that gives suggestions for where to host retreats and how to organize the time spent together. Typically 1-3 days in length, this extended time period will look different for every group but is always a powerful way to engage your group and bond. For more info and inspiration, check out this article by Terra Mattson, CG Retreats: The Why and How.

Be Strategic

As the group leader, it is important for you to have a handle on what your CG year will look like BEFORE you present it to potential group members. Pray first – what is God’s vision and plan for this group? Then, take some time to map out your year – When are you going to meet each month? When do you envision your group retreating together? What possible ‘connection’ opportunities exist for your group (serving together, worshiping together, daddy/daughter dates, etc.). Are you all in yet?